

Most people think a wagging tail is a sign of a friendly dog. But did you know that a dog will also wag his tail just before he is going to bite you? A wagging tail can indicate excitement or agitation. But whether the dog means it as an invitation to play, or to warn another dog or person to stay away depends on other body languages.



Most people think a wagging tail is a sign of a friendly dog. But did you know that a dog will also wag his tail just before he is going to bite you? A wagging tail can indicate excitement or agitation. But whether the dog means it as an invitation to play, or to warn another dog or person to stay away depends on other body languages.

Our informative webinar teaches you how to understand what a dog is trying to say when he wags his tail.

Learning objectives:

Being able to understand…

  • Signs of aggression in a dog
  • Signs of fear in a dog
  • Signs of arousal in a dog
  • Signs of uncertainty in a dog
  • Which kind of wagging you should be alert towards

Confused about what your dog is trying to say? Send us your videos and get the opportunity to have our canine behaviour expert Shirin Merchant interpret it for you in the webinar.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
AB (Mumbai, IN)
Title is very apt.

The content is excellent, and Ms. Merchant is amazing in the clarity of her presentation, her logic and explanations. Very compelling watch, important food for thought for anyone who comes in contact with dogs. This is a super-important topic because of the extent to which people strongly associate the "W" of wagging with "W" for Welcome in dogs while in fact it may be anything but!. I felt the following aspects could be improved. The technology that has been used to show the behaviour / tail wagging in slow motion causes breaks (jerky and not smooth) which in turn interferes with understanding the content. I observed this in my first webinar as well on separation anxiety but in this webinar on wagging tails it interfered much more in understanding. Also the webinar abruptly stopped at a point when the topic shifted to calming signals. Perhaps it is a different topic and not included in this webinar but the end was very abrupt literally in the middle of a sentence. Thirdly the format does not allow the viewer to rewind and view again a portion that they did not understand etc, nor can they begin anywhere midway if they could not watch the whole thing at one go and wanted to continue where they had left off in a previous viewing session.

Sreeja Nair (Ahmedabad, IN)

Canine Body Language – The Wagging Tail

Shahil Jain
Shirin Merchant never disappoints!

What an excellent webinar. A must take the webinar if you intend having a puppy. I have started putting the training in place. Thank you

Kunal Shah
This webinar is truly fantastic! Wonderful way to teach your dog!

Instructor's way of teaching is very good. I can easily follow the lesson.

So eye-opening, only in few minutes in webinar. A completely new way of thinking.

Loved this course! Shirin is entertaining and gave loads of information and tips I've immediately been able to implement.